
Chairman of NISA presents awards for outstanding Iraqi Research at the Science Day Festival (6 September 2018)

في احتفالية يوم العلم التي اقيمت على قاعة جامعة بغداد يوم 6 ايلول 2018 تم توزيع جوائز شبكة العلماء العراقيين في الخارج (نيسا) لافضل بحث علمي صدر في عام 2017. الجائزة في عامها الثالث وتمنح لاحسن البحوث المتقدمة لنيل ستة جوائز في العلوم الطبية والهندسية والزراعية والصرفة والانسانية والتعاون العالمي. الجوائز عبارة عن شهادة تقديرية ومكافأة 1000 دولار لكل بحث فائز.
تهانينا للفائزين ونأمل قريبا اصدار الاعلان عن موعد التقديم لجوائز عام 2018.


Chairman of NISA presents awards for outstanding Iraqi Research at the Science Day Festival (6 September 2018) Read More »

Iraqi Immigration Ministry Stockholm Talk

Professor Nadir Ahmed was invited by the Iraqi Immigration Ministry to present a talk at its second conference which was held in Stockholm in early December 2011. The ministry is planing a strategy for distance investment in Iraqi Brains as consultants, on short term employment as advisers. The ministry is also planning to open offices within Iraqi Embassies and is developing a programme to offer employment for scientists wishing to return to Iraq with the collaboration of the Ministry of Higher Education.

(Missing stokholme_conference.pdf PDF)Professor Nadir Ahmed was invited by the Iraqi Immigration Ministry to present a talk at its second conference which was held in Stockholm in early December 2011. The ministry is planing a strategy for distance investment in Iraqi Brains as consultants, on short term employment as advisers. The ministry is also planning to open offices within Iraqi Embassies and is developing a programme to offer employment for scientists wishing to return to Iraq with the collaboration of the Ministry of Higher Education.

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Iraqi Immigration Ministry Stockholm Talk Read More »